Courtney Luna is a beautiful, creative, and inspiring woman who has changed her health through the carnivore diet. She dazzles...
Meet Kimberley Pearson. She’s an animal-based wellness coach who has changed her life through changing her diet and is now...
If you want to be a fat-burning machine, then becoming fat adapted should be at the top of your list...
I gained weight recently. I feel bloated, puffy, and sluggish, and my body is definitely more bootylicious than before. I...
After reading thousands of articles in magazines about health and how to lose weight, I have learned that the same...
Are you wondering “Why am I gaining weight on the carnivore diet?” Have you started the carnivore diet and thought...
Do you want to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time? Have you been told that it’s impossible...
I’ve tried quite a few different types of fasts in my life, including the Fasting Mimicking Diet, 16/8 intermittent fasting,...
Being fat adapted is great! You become fat adapted after a period of eating a low-carb, high-fat diet and maybe...
I am a fan of carb cycling if you enjoy following a ketogenic diet, but still want carbs on occasion....