Do you love looking at gorgeous food photos on Instagram? If you do, I highly recommend checking out the Instagram...
An animal-based diet has given me a new definition of what it means to be healthy. I didn’t start eating...
January not only marks the start of the new year. It’s also World Carnivore Month — the best month of...
I’m pregnant and I’m on a strict animal-based diet. Have you seen those pregnant women who try to stick to...
I recently posted a blog post in which I shared tips on how to stop overeating, but then I thought...
I started the 75 HARD™ challenge on the 1st of January 2021. And even though I absolutely love doing this...
I’ve tried quite a few different types of fasts in my life, including the Fasting Mimicking Diet, 16/8 intermittent fasting,...
I just completed week 1 of 75 HARD™. I’m not going to lie to you: it hasn’t been the easiest...
[buzzsprout episode=’2840617′ player=’true’] Jonathan & Joané: (00:02) Hi, I’m Joané Hart, and I am Jonathan Hart. This is The Hart...
My PCOS Story: Birth Control, Hormonal Acne, Losing my Period, and More | The Hart of Health Podcast
[buzzsprout episode=’6732208′ player=’true’] Joané & Jonathan: (00:03) Hi, I’m Joané Hart and I’m Jonathan Hart. This is The Heart of...
Don’t get me wrong, I love my husband. I absolutely adore him. He is incredibly smart, we have a lot...
Going on holiday is an opportunity to relax, have fun, and indulge a little. But what often ends up happening...