I just completed week 1 of 75 HARD™. I’m not going to lie to you: it hasn’t been the easiest...
You can learn a lot just by changing your diet. I’ve officially been on the carnivore diet for 500 days...
When I was younger and in the initial phases of my health research journey, I did not pay much attention...
I gained weight recently. I feel bloated, puffy, and sluggish, and my body is definitely more bootylicious than before. I...
I’m about halfway through my pregnancy at the moment. While pregnant, I’ve been trying to eat as well as I...
I’m a big fan of doing an elimination diet if you have any health problems, especially if you want to...
Do you want to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time? Have you been told that it’s impossible...
I’m doing The Lion Diet by Mikhaila Peterson for World Carnivore Month in January. With The Lion Diet, you basically...
An animal-based diet has given me a new definition of what it means to be healthy. I didn’t start eating...
I’ve tried quite a few different types of fasts in my life, including the Fasting Mimicking Diet, 16/8 intermittent fasting,...
Going on holiday is an opportunity to relax, have fun, and indulge a little. But what often ends up happening...
I started the 75 HARD™ challenge on the 1st of January 2021. And even though I absolutely love doing this...