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Joane 0:01
Hey everyone, on today’s episode, we’re doing part two of a plant-based diet versus an animal-based diet.
Jonathan 0:10
Yes, and it’s obviously from the first one, which way we’re leaning. But obviously, there’s a lot to this debate. And so, if someone’s out there saying, “Oh, you’ve got to go plant-based for these reasons…”, at least we’re going to arm you with a multitude of reasons to not go plant based. Yeah.
Joane 0:29
If you haven’t listened to part one yet, we highly recommend that you do before you listen to this podcast.
Jonathan 0:36
So, on to the first of the section.
Joane 0:39
Okay, the first one is: a plant-based diet is high in carbohydrates and sugar, which can lead to blood sugar spikes. And an animal-based diet is lower in carbs and sugar and is better for regulating your blood sugar levels and your insulin levels.
Jonathan 0:58
Yeah, this is one thing that definitely annoyed me about Game Changers, they’re like, “Oh, you can get your protein from plants.” And I’m like, “Yeah, but if you want to go low carb, there’s no way you’re gonna get your protein because almost all your pea proteins and rice and lentils and stuff come with a lot of carbs.”
Joane 1:22
Yeah, quite a lot. So yeah, like you’re saying, you’re gonna get your protein, but you’re forced to consume a lot of carbs in order to get enough protein. Because somebody might argue that they don’t consume a lot of carbs on a plant-based diet. But I guarantee you, if you actually tracked what you’re eating, and put it in a food tracker like MyFitnessPal or something, then you actually realize how much carbs you’re consuming. People think avocados are low carb. Well, no, they actually contain carbs. And it all adds up. So the carbs in your lentils, even some nuts, your rice, it’ll all add up, all the carbs in your vegetables will add up. And yeah, most people who are on a plant-based side are actually consuming a lot of carbohydrates each day.
Jonathan 2:21
And so, if you think about it, carbohydrates are a non-essential nutrient. And we have examples of this, like the Inuit and the Maasai who can go entirely zero carb, no problem, showing that it’s non essential. And so, I feel like it’s almost a worthwhile experiment for anyone to try to do a really controlled low-carb diet, as opposed to even just the start. Because a lot of people don’t even know what that feels like. A lot of people have been having carbs every single day, in such large amounts, that there’s no way they even know what ketosis feels like. And it will be an amazing experiment for everyone to, at least once in their life, know what it feels like to go over into a ketogenic way of living. So, if you can’t do that, because you’re plant-based, and you’re trying to get protein goals, so that you know, you don’t lose muscle mass and stuff like that, I find it very difficult for anyone to try and go keto, while still meeting all these other goals that you have to on a plant-based diet.
Joane 3:40
Yeah, well, before I went animal-based, I used to get these crazy blood-sugar fluctuations where my blood sugar would drop, like super low, and I would feel terrible. I would be shaky, start sweating, just feel absolutely terrible. And ever since I went on an animal-based diet, I haven’t had blood-sugar regulation problems at all. And I just wish other people could experience this. I wish other people could know what it feels like to not have to deal with those blood-sugar fluctuations that you get from being on a high-carb diet, because even though I was eating meat, the majority of my foods came from plants and they were higher-carbohydrate foods.
Jonathan 4:30
Yeah, and I’m sure we’re going to discuss this a bit now so we should maybe start moving on to the next part. But yeah, people think “oh, you know, a tablespoon of peanut butter is going to be just as good as, you know, so many ounces of steak or whatever.” But the truth is, it’s not complete so you can’t compare peanut butter to steak.
Joane 4:56
Well, that brings me to the next one: A plant-based diet makes it hard to get enough protein in your diet. And to get all the essential amino acids that you need in the ideal quantities. An animal-based diet makes it super easy to get enough protein and all the amino acids that you need. Like you said, that spoon of peanut butter isn’t close to as good of a source of protein as a steak would be.
Jonathan 5:23
Yeah, because a lot of people don’t understand. They see protein as the macronutrient. But there’s a whole bunch of amino acids that basically make up what that is. So you get a bottleneck effect. So if you don’t have one of the essential amino acids, then what ends up happening is it almost sort of throttles your ability to absorb all the others. So you can have the peanut butter having an equivalent amount of macro protein as a piece of steak, but there’ll be a lack in one of the amino acids that will result in bottlenecking all the other amino acids in their peanut butter. So what ends up happening is you’ll have to pair it. That’s why, often, people in the plant-based community say “Oh, you have to pair your proteins.” And that’s in order to try and get some of the other amino acids that you’re lacking from the, you know, the plant-based protein. So a steak will have higher levels of all of them, instead of just, you know, high level of some and a low level of others,
Joane 6:35
or not enough of some, because you don’t really get complete proteins from plants, maybe soy, but all animal proteins are complete proteins. And that means that they contain all the essential amino acids that you need. And by essential amino acids, we mean the amino acids your body cannot produce itself. So you need to get it from your diet. And it’s a very good thing to get it from animal foods, because then you don’t have to worry about paring things. You don’t have to have, you know, rice with beans in order to get all the amino acids you need. And even if all the amino acids are present in your meal, they aren’t present in the ideal quantities.
Jonathan 7:24
Yeah. And if even one of them’s on the low side, they all get throttled down to that level. Exactly. So it’s like, you can try and pay them. But if you actually then go in and calculate how many of these amino acids you got, you’re still gonna have to like pretend that you got what the lowest one was for all of them.
Joane 7:44
Yeah. And people will look at it gram for gram. Like, “oh, this plant-based protein powder has exactly the same amount of protein as the whey protein, for example.” But they don’t think of the quality of the protein. Because I’ve watched YouTube videos of people, you know, who are trying to build muscle and then after their gym workout, they say, “oh, now I’m having my protein shake, to help me recover and build the muscle that I want to build.” But then they’re having like this plant-based protein shake, and then I always feel like they would get way better results from an animal protein source. And they don’t realize that their protein shake is lacking because they just think of it in terms of the total grams of protein. They don’t even know that the amino acid profile isn’t optimal.
Jonathan 8:39
Yeah, because everyone’s stuck on macros, and they don’t realize that it’s a little bit more complicated than protein, fat and carbs… way more complicated. Carbs being unessential, while without protein, in fact, you’re screwed.
Joane 8:53
Protein and fat are essential. Like you need to have them in your diet, where your body can produce its own carbohydrates. Your liver can produce glucose. For those who didn’t know, especially if you eat enough protein, then it can use some of the protein to produce glucose through a process called gluconeogenesis. Yeah, animal-based protein sources like eggs, meat, dairy products… they are far superior than plant-based protein sources. Okay, so the next one, on a plant-based diet, the food takes much longer to prepare. Where on an animal-based diet, food is very easy and usually quick to prepare. And first thing I’m thinking about is if you want to cook lentils or beans, you have to cook them for a really long time to make them edible.
Jonathan 9:48
And they recommend you soak it before.
Joane 9:50
Yeah, and you have to soak it and even sprout it so you have to soak it, sprout it, and then cook it for hours to get it to be edible and for it to help your body digest it.
Jonathan 10:00
Yeah, I suppose if you took into account the butchering process, yeah, it would also be quite a lot for an animal but still, it’s much simpler, especially if you do big roasts. So you can take large cuts of meat, and you know, slow cooker or smoke or whatever cooking process you want to employ to make it taste really good. And you have like enough food for days. And it was one process, versus for every meal, preparing this, preparing rice, you know, chopping this, peeling that, cutting this….
Joane 10:40
Well, even if you cook at every meal, you don’t cook in a large quantity, like you just mentioned. If you want to cook a steak, you just fry a steak and within minutes, it’s ready. If you have an air fryer, you just put it in. We rarely cook anything for longer than eight minutes in the airfare. But on a plant-based diet, you have to chop so many vegetables, cook your rice or pasta, cook your beans and lentils, for hours. And yeah, you can get the canned stuff. But you’re still gonna have a longer prep time. Because I remember how much time I used to spend prepping, cutting vegetables and prepping them for whatever I was cooking because I used to use a lot of vegetables in my cooking. And then I would have some sort of starch with it like potatoes or rice, then you have to chop all the veggies and cook them. Then you have to do your meat, whereas an animal-based diet, you just cook the meat. There is no veggie prep. Your kitchen is way less messy as a result as well. Like you just cook your meat and you eat it. And then if you want to have some fruit with it, you just take a piece of fresh fruit and cut it up. You don’t have to make a complicated salad. You don’t have to like cook a bunch of side dishes. It’s super easy.
Jonathan 12:00
Yeah, even eggs. They’re easy. Yoghurt is easy. Cheese is easy, you know. So it’s like, even if you’re not going sort of just the whole strict Lion Diet, meat, salt and water (which I would recommend as an experiment for most people to do as as an elimination diet). But even if you’re just going like animal-based while also including a small percentage of fruit and not, you know, super toxic veggies, which also technically fruit, biologically. Yeah, you will definitely notice a great improvement compared to any plant-based diet, in my opinion.
Joane 12:41
Yeah, like if you’re somebody who doesn’t have time to cook… because a lot of people eat unhealthy foods because they say they don’t have time to cook. All they’re thinking is the hours they’re gonna spend chopping vegetables. You don’t have to to be healthy, like, being healthy and eating healthy food can be a very quick process in terms of cooking.
Jonathan 13:03
Yeah, cause, I mean, you watch these videos of people preparing vegan meals, and there’s all these steps to it. Where I’m just like, with the meat that’s used with a steak, it’s literally like, “Okay, you put some salt on it, you cook it, you take it off the heat, and you eat it.”
Joane 13:22
Especially the people who make like plant-based alternative meats. Like we’ve seen videos where somebody was making like vegan ribs, and they have to like make this soy paste and wrap it around fake bones and cook it. We saw somebody making like plant-based pork belly. That was a really long process just to make this plant-based like crap that looks like pork belly, where you could just literally take a pork belly and cook it. Especially when people try to come up with these like fake meat alternatives that they make themselves. You’re asking to spend hours in the kitchen.
Jonathan 14:00
Yes, that pork belly, really what you’re talking about was actually a multi-day process of like setting them in layers and coming back the next day, and then it was only something that mimicked pork belly, like it was still bread basically in the end. Yes, very different, like differently made bread.
Joane 14:21
And most people don’t have the time for things like that. Well, that like flows into the next point: a plant-based diet is very complicated and complicates your life and animal-based diet is not complicated at all, like on an animal-based diet, if you’re doing it properly, you don’t have to take supplements. On a plant-based diet, you have to take supplements, otherwise, you get nutrient deficiencies. The cooking process is so much more complicated. You have to eat a larger variety of foods. Like you said earlier, you have to pair different sources of protein just to get the amino acids that you need. Like there’s a lot more that goes into it. and it’s a lot more complicated than just simply eating animal foods.
Jonathan 15:04
And this is where we get to the point where it’s like, “oh, yeah, you have to take B12 or people have to take B12 shots.” And so, I’m just like, “okay, so you’re telling me that there’s this optimal diet, where the only way for it to be optimal is for you to get a shot? To prevent a deficiency?”
Joane 15:27
Surely, if a plant-based diet was the optimal human diet, it wouldn’t require supplementation, because you would get everything that you need from your diet.
Jonathan 15:36
Yeah, if it was all natural, I’d like be more like “okay, maybe.” But the fact that you have to have this artificial intervention in order to make sure that it’s not detrimental, you know, kind of really shows you that it’s not a very natural way of eating. You know, nature is not complicated in that way.
Joane 16:01
No, we’re an animal-based diet. If you eat meat, if you eat eggs, if you eat some organ meats, you’re getting all the nutrients you need. You’re getting enough fat, enough protein, enough energy, and you don’t have to worry, you don’t have to buy supplements. It’s so much simpler. Even shopping is simpler, and less complicated. Like you don’t have to walk through all the aisles and try to find all the plant-based alternatives to everything. And check every label to make sure that it’s vegan. Like you literally just walk in the supermarket or shop, go to the meat section, take what you need, go to the eggs (if you want eggs), take that. Get some fruit if you want to and you head to the checkout point where it’s just so much easier or you can just go straight to the butcher and skip the normal supermarket completely. We even have our meat delivered to our house.
Jonathan 17:01
Yeah, so we mostly get our meat delivered from people who do not give routine antibiotics to their cattle. And they are entirely crossfades. They don’t get corn fed, they have yellow fat to confirm it. And yeah, it gets delivered to us. Really nice meat, and it’s cheaper than in the stores, which is a bonus.
Joane 17:29
Yes, we used to spend a lot more time food shopping. Just because you’d have to go through all the aisles to get what you need. Where now, shopping does not take a lot of time in our lives.
Jonathan 17:42
Yeah, and we simplified it further by reducing condiments as well. So we don’t have any sauces or spices or mixes or gravies or powders or any of the like, you know, ancillary things that you’d want to a lot of people sort of want to put on their food for some reason because I almost feel like you need to first try it with no seasoning except salt. And then see how much of a difference it makes when you do it with just just salt on its own.
Joane 18:12
Well, that’s another way that people complicate their food on a plant-based diet like just rice and beans won’t taste good. Like people make these complicated sauces with different ingredients and spices just to make it taste good.
Jonathan 18:28
Condiments on a plant-based diet or through the roof. Yeah, often, if you look at their spices and sauces, they almost need a whole pantry just for the, you know, condiments they buy.
Joane 18:42
Yeah, just to make their food taste good, where we just add salt to our meat and it tastes amazing.
Jonathan 18:49
Yeah, and obviously, salt can be a touchy subject for some people but all life came from the sea, which is full of salt. People used salt as a salary. You know, like literally money for the month is yes, some salt. So I think especially since humans sweat to cool our bodies, it’s important to make sure you do get your minerals balanced by taking salt if you have to.
Joane 19:19
Yes, the next point is: a plant-based diet will make you look depleted and unhealthy over time where an animal-based diet will make you look better over time.
Jonathan 19:31
Yeah, you see it especially with the fruitarians who take the whole, you know, “do no harm” kind of thing very seriously where they move to some remote place and they just love trying to live off the land and they eat, you know, coconuts and mangoes and…
Joane 19:50
Fruits you can pick from the plant without killing the plant. And the raw vegans, they usually end up looking the worst.
Jonathan 19:56
Yeah, so I think the more extreme you take the diet, you know, obviously the the worse the outcomes seem to be. It looks like they’re shipwreck survivors, where, you know, their arm is like a toothpick and their faces are gaunt and their eyes are sunken in, and you go like, “okay, so this is like the ultimate form of this diet”, where people are like, “you’re so pure, you know, I only ate fruit and raw vegetables and whatever, and nuts, raw nuts and nuts and seeds. And you know, I was eating a lot”, even though it looks like they’re starving to death.
Joane 20:35
Yeah, they just look so sick. And like, we’ve watched YouTube videos of people when they started with a raw vegan diet, and then three or five years later, how sick they look. And they just lose so much weight. And it’s just not great because you might know people who are on a raw vegan diet that look good still, but how long have they been doing it for? And it just makes sense. Like even not on a raw vegan diet, but a standard plant-based diet which includes cooked foods. Because of all the nutrient deficiencies you’re likely to develop, like vitamin D, vitamin B 12. Like your fat soluble vitamins like vitamin A, it makes sense that people will start looking sick over time. Like iron, we need iron. But in plant foods, you get non-heme iron, and you get heme iron in animal foods. And heme iron is much easier for your body to digest and absorb than non-heme iron. Plus, plant foods that contain iron usually also have antinutrients in them that make it hard for you to absorb the iron. So I think the lack of certain nutrients in the diet plus the high amounts of antinutrients in the diet just result in nutrient deficiencies that will make you look unwell.
Jonathan 21:59
Yeah, and this is not to say that it’s impossible to do well on a plant-based diet.
Joane 22:09
But you probably have to supplement a lot.
Jonathan 22:11
Yes, you’re going to have to get some supplements. And I will always recommend to try and incorporate as much animal products as possible. So if you’re vegan, I’d be like, “please just start eating eggs”. You know, like, you might want to call them chicken periods or whatever but look at it as an experiment. You can even try and go and find someone with their own egg-laying chickens that you know, they don’t mistreat or whatever. And, you know, try those eggs because you know, like, there’s very little bad, you know, karma or any harm because it’s an unfertilized egg. So it’s literally nothing can turn that egg to life. You know, it’s too late. It’s been laid with not being inseminated. And so, it’s a little packet of nutrients. And I think it would obviously change someone’s life for the better. Even if you’re vegetarian, you know, have fish if you can, if you’re comfortable that you know, try. Try chicken from an ethical source, you know, like, have dairy products, have raw dairy. Yeah, that’s part of why I think a lot of vegetarians tend to do better than vegans because they at least are more open to the eggs and the dairy.
Joane 23:35
Yeah, I don’t get upset when people are vegetarian, because I know at least you’re getting some animal foods. Like you don’t have to eat like animal flesh and eat meat. But if you’re eating eggs, if you’re eating like dairy products, like cheese and yogurt and having milk, at least you’re getting those nutrients in.
Jonathan 23:54
Yeah, I’d say you’d need to get some way of getting the iron, the heme iron, not just an iron supplement. Like if you take an iron tablet, that’s elemental iron. That’s not actually what your body needs, like it’ll make you test better, but you’re still going to be kind of anaemic. So, you know, there’s no point in trying to take capsules or tablets for it, you have to figure out a way to get that iron. Maybe in muscles or something like that, you know, muscles are very simple organisms. Some would debate that muscles are even simpler than plants. So like plants have more complicated responses to, you know, being eaten than a muscle does. So yeah, it’s it’s would be my advice to sort of like if you’re vegan, go vegetarian, at least. Yeah. If you’re vegetarian, try pescatarian. If you’re pescatarian, try steak. Try the tuna of the land… pretend it’s like land tuna. Don’t overcook it and you know see what it does is an experiment.
Joane 25:01
Yeah, like if you’ve been plant based for a while and you feel like you don’t look as good as you used to. Maybe look a little pale, maybe you’ve developed dark circles under your eyes, maybe your hair has even started falling out. Try including animal foods into your diet and better yet, go animal based, and you’ll see how much better your appearance will improve.
Jonathan 25:25
Yes. And I’ve heard so many times from people who are like leaning towards plant based. They will say like, “oh, you know, but when I eat red meat, I feel so bad.” And then I’m like, “okay, but have you ever eaten just red meat and salt?” Yeah, just cooked, not overcooked, red meat and salt on its own. Fast the whole day, I don’t care, you know. Like, you have to sort of isolate it to know that it is the red meat that’s making you feel bad. Because so many people will eat a steak with mashed potatoes or, you know, even if you have it fried in sunflower oil. And you know, with whatever side you have, like, if you’re cooking it in shitty oil, that’s also going to result in how it feels. So if you’re grilling a steak with just salt, and there’s nothing else there and you still feel bad, then I’d be very interested to you know, see why that is. But I bet you that if you isolate the steak, and make sure there’s no other variables, you probably won’t feel bad after eating it.
Joane 26:39
Yes, like I find it funny when people say red meat makes them feel bad but then they consumed red meat in the form of a burger next to a plate of like french fries, and then maybe had a milkshake with it. And they say it’s the red meat. You know, you add a lot of things there. Mostly a lot of it covered in seed oils that will make you feel bad.
Jonathan 27:02
Yeah, so if you’ve ever had your red meat with seed oils and felt bad, it’s like “how do you know it’s not the seed oils that are making you feel crappy?” Yes. So many people, especially when they’re frying their meat, they end up, you know, frying it in seed oils. And so I’m like, if you’re having anything fried as it was, it’s probably not going to make you feel good. If you have that with a steak, it’s probably going to, you know, definitely amplify the effect.
Joane 27:31
Definitely, our last one is: a plant-based diet can lead to mental health problems resulting from nutrient deficiencies. And an animal-based diet provides all the nutrients you need to support your mental health. Particularly, I’m thinking about vitamin B12, and vitamin D, and even cholesterol. Cholesterol is very important for your mental health.
Jonathan 28:00
So yeah, most of your brain is like made of membranes. There’s a large number of membranes in your brain. And so, they are, you know, made of lipids. So lipids is sort of another way of saying fats. In plants, it’s oils. Yes, oils are liquids in plants. And unfortunately, for most of the oils that we use, they’re liquid at room temperature, and they’re more unstable. And so, if you now base a lot of your diet on these oils, that are, you know, technically not as easy to stick together, if you look at the molecular structure, they don’t stick together very well. And that’s what they liquid at room temperature. They make inferior membranes. And so, if you’ve been eating a lot of that, you know, your brain is going to be compromised by being built on a foundation of shitty lipids from plant oils. Where if you reduce the number of plant oils you have, then all your membranes in your brain are made out of much more sturdy and better chemically bonded lipids in the form of animal fats.
Joane 29:14
Yeah, and you’ll have a healthier brain in general. So vitamin B12 is very important for your mental health. And so, if you get a lack of vitamin B12 in your diet because you’re on a plant-based diet that can make you feel more depressed and anxious. You also need omega-3 fatty acids for your mental health and people will say “eat flax seeds, eat chia seeds, and that will give you omega-3 fatty acids. But the thing is, those are ala, so alpha linoleic acid, omega-3s and your body has to convert that to EPA and DHA. So you’re actually getting a lot less than you think from it. it’s just not optimal were from animal foods like fatty fish like salmon and even tuna, you get the omega-3s in the form that your body can use it like the EPA and the DHA, you don’t have to converted at first. And also, depression could be linked to brain inflammation. And the ratio of the Omega-6 fatty acids to omega-3 fatty acids in your diet can large largely influence your inflammation level. So if you consume too much Omega-6, which you get from like plant oils, and nuts and seeds, and you don’t get enough omega-3 fatty acids, you’ll have more inflammation in your body, you could get more brain inflammation, and you could feel more depressed overall.
Jonathan 30:53
So the seed oils are a double whammy. You know, they can make your brain fundamentally less reliable in these membranes, like, you know, there’ll be more chance of something going wrong in your brain. And they increase inflammation. But yeah, obviously, it’s good to also let your brain run on ketones, because a lot of people seem to see a large benefit in, you know, getting their brain to use ketones instead of glucose.
Joane 31:27
Yeah, and like we said, a plant-based diet is higher in carbs and sugar. You’ll have a lot more glucose in your system, and you won’t be using ketones for energy.
Jonathan 31:37
And so I mean, you even get people stopping seizures by going into a keto diet. So seizures are, obviously, sort of like a neurological malfunction. And so, you know, neurons, your body are all connected. And so, ketones seem to have a sort of pacifying effect or an effect where you just don’t get seizures. It’s very weird. I think they first discovered it with Navy divers. They’d get this, if you use a rebreather too much, you have a higher chances of getting a seizure. But then they found out that if they had ketones, then they didn’t seizure, which is sort of how it got discovered in the beginning. Yes. And yeah, so I think that you can maybe say that a lot of it is gut inflammation. And yeah, another component would be that, you know, no one’s experiencing ketosis as much as they should. And, you know, the membranes aren’t the way they should be made, they’re made out of the wrong lipids. So it’s almost like there’s too many factors, probably more factors than those three. There’s just so many things pointing to using a plant-based diet, it’s not going to be good for your brain.
Joane 33:04
Yes, well, what I’m thinking of now is that if your blood sugar levels drop, your cortisol levels go up, and you’ll feel more anxious. So if you’re on a high-carb, plant-based diet, and you’re getting these blood sugar fluctuations, you’re more likely to feel anxious, because if your blood sugar levels drop, your body produces more cortisol. And if you’re consuming plant foods, like even coffee, coffee can make your body produce more glucose and affect your blood sugar levels. And coffee can make you feel more anxious. And that comes from a plant like a lot of people on an animal-based diet don’t have coffee in their diet. Some do, but a lot don’t. And even oxalates, like oxalates you get in plant foods like spinach, and beetroot, and nuts, they can also cause a cortisol spike in your body because of the stress that they put on your body. So just through those ways that I’ve just mentioned, a plant-based diet can make you feel more anxious by putting stress on your body, making you produce more cortisol. And also the blood sugar fluctuations can make you produce more cortisol and feel more anxious.
Jonathan 34:23
I’m sure if we thought for longer, we could probably find a few more reasons why. But going plant-based won’t help your mental health.
Joane 34:35
Yeah, what we’ve mentioned should be enough to make you realize plant based isn’t the way to go if you’re concerned about your mental health.
Jonathan 34:18
Yeah, so it’s also a contrast of when you’re in ketosis, how much more stable your mood is and how much clearer you think. And you get less brain fog, and there’s a whole bunch of stuff that comes with ketosis,
Joane 35:0
And you won’t get the blood sugar dips.
Jonathan 35:03
Then have that stable energy throughout the day no matter what. Yeah, like no matter what you eat, it’s just like a good level of anxiety and stuff like that. Obviously, it’s not a cure-all ketosis but it’s definitely for those who are concerned about mental health and are struggling and they’ve never been in ketosis is definitely worth a shot.
Yeah. Oh, and those are an animal based diet. For those who, you know, you’ve gone plant-based, and lately, you’ve been feeling like your mental health isn’t where it should be. Your diet could be to blame and going on an animal-based diet, and even a ketogenic animal-based diet, like Jonathan mentioned, that could be the key to you feeling better again. To be honest, I used to struggle with anxiety. But ever since I went like fully animal based and cut out even like coffee, I cut out chocolate, I cut out all plant foods, except for fruits, my mental health has been so much better. I don’t have anxiety most days, like noticeable anxiety. I haven’t had panic attacks. Like, I almost forgot that I used to have anxiety. Once I switched to my meat and fruit diet. Currently, I’m only doing meat, salt and water. But ever since I made that switch and just ate meat, fruit, and maybe some goat’s dairy products, my anxiety hasn’t been a problem for me.
And that is basically the definition of mental health. Yeah, like “Oh, you don’t have anxiety, depression, or any kind of other dysfunction mentally, then you’re mentally healthy?” So yeah. A lot of people sort of are in denial of their current state of mental health. And so yeah, you have to take a long, hard look at yourself and say, like, “No, this shouldn’t be like this, I shouldn’t wake up, either feeling like the world is over. And I don’t even want to get out of bed, or the world is ending, and, you know, scared of the future”, and you’d wake up stressed with your heart rate spiking and yeah, you know, that’s not natural. And it could be your diet that’s causing that problem.
Yeah, you don’t have to live like that. And I know of a few people who used to have really bad depression, and then they went on a carnivore diet. So they cut out all plant foods, and their depression almost went away.
Yeah, they’re obviously just anecdotes, but I’m really looking forward to the more clinically controlled trials to come out. I know they’re currently underway. But yeah, I’ll bet you, a lot of people will notice a huge improvement in their mental health. All the people that I’ve recommended, and have actually tried going animal based, have definitely had a noticeable change in their anxiety (of the people that have actually tried doing what I recommend). And so, just from my own sort of, you know, experiences with people trying it for those problems. And, adding to yours basically, that’s an anecdote. It is not the best evidence, but it is evidence nonetheless, you know. You don’t want to completely ignore it. And it’s like, the more anecdotes you can build up, the more you should take it seriously. But like I said, I bet you that the clinical data will be very convincing as well. And so then you’ll have, you know, the golden standard of research to back it up. And, yeah, hopefully, that could change some people’s opinions, and this might become more mainstream. And so yeah, if you listen to us, you have a chance of being ahead of the curve.
Yeah, definitely. So that was part two of animal-based versus a plant-based diet. We hope you’ve learned a thing or two,
And we hope to get you to migrate from away from vegan towards more animal-based, even if it’s just one little step.
So even if you weren’t fully vegan, just plant based, if you’re animal based already. Good job.
Till next time, till next time, bye