How Long Can You Stay on the Carnivore Diet? An In-Depth Guide

The short answer to how long you can stay on the carnivore diet is: indefinitely. The carnivore diet, centred on animal-based products, has garnered attention for its potential to provide both short-term benefits and long-term sustainability. Some adherents have successfully followed the diet for years, with examples like Kelly Hogan and Dr Lisa Wiedeman thriving on this lifestyle for over a decade. This article explores the benefits, considerations, and personalisation of the carnivore diet for different durations.

Short-Term Carnivore Diets

Many individuals try the carnivore diet for a limited period, such as two weeks or a month, often as part of an elimination protocol. This trial period aims to address issues like food sensitivities, inflammation, or gut health by removing plant-based irritants.

Why Try the Carnivore Diet Short-Term?

Here are a few reasons why you might want to try the carnivore diet short-term:

  • Identify Food Sensitivities: Elimination diets are effective in uncovering foods that may trigger adverse reactions, such as bloating, skin issues, or fatigue.
  • Improve Gut Health: Removing fibre and plant compounds can alleviate digestive distress, allowing the gut to heal.
  • Reduce Inflammation: Studies suggest that elimination diets can lower markers of inflammation, potentially easing autoimmune symptoms or joint pain.
  • Test Mental Clarity and Energy: Many report sharper focus and sustained energy levels after adopting the diet, even for a short period.

What Happens After the Trial Period?

For some, reintroducing plant-based foods after a short-term carnivore diet can be manageable and not show any obvious side effects. Others may choose to extend the diet if they experience significant health improvements. Short-term adoption allows individuals to assess the feasibility of integrating this diet into their lifestyle.

Long-Term Carnivore Diets

A growing community of individuals follow the carnivore diet long-term, with many citing life-changing health benefits as their motivation to continue.

Reported Benefits of Long-Term Adoption

Here are a few benefits you could experience when following the carnivore diet long-term:

  • Weight Loss: Many experience sustainable weight loss without calorie counting due to the satiating nature of animal-based foods.
  • Improved Mental Health: Advocates report stabilisation of mood disorders, reduced anxiety, and relief from depression.
  • Autoimmune Relief: By eliminating plant compounds that may trigger immune responses, individuals have reported reduced symptoms of autoimmune diseases.
  • Blood Sugar Stability: The carnivore diet’s low-carb, high-fat composition promotes stable blood sugar levels, making it beneficial for those with Type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance.
  • Enhanced Digestion: The simplicity of the diet often reduces bloating, diarrhoea, or constipation associated with certain plant-based foods.

Examples of Long-Term Success

Proponents like Kelly Hogan and Dr Lisa Wiedeman have followed the carnivore diet for over 15 years, reporting consistent health improvements. Mikhaila Peterson, who has been on a very strict version of the carnivore diet for 7 years, credits the diet for managing her autoimmune conditions, offering hope to those with similar struggles.

Addressing Concerns About Long-Term Adherence

Critics often express concerns about potential nutrient deficiencies, particularly in Vitamin C, fibre, and phytonutrients. However, advocates argue that:

  • Vitamin C: Found in organ meats like liver, it may be sufficient to prevent deficiencies.
  • Fibre: Research suggests that fibre is not essential for digestive health when plant irritants are eliminated.
  • Phytonutrients: While absent in the carnivore diet, their necessity for health remains debated.

Who Thrives on the Carnivore Diet?

Not everyone will thrive on the carnivore diet in the same way. Individual health conditions, genetics, and goals significantly influence outcomes.

Who Benefits Most?

  • Those with Autoimmune Conditions: Eliminating plant-based compounds can reduce flare-ups and chronic inflammation.
  • People Managing Type 2 Diabetes: The diet stabilises blood sugar levels, reducing dependency on medication.
  • Individuals with Digestive Issues: Simplifying the diet to easily digestible animal foods may alleviate IBS, bloating, and other gastrointestinal concerns.

Challenges to Consider

  • Cravings: Transitioning to the diet can trigger cravings for carbohydrates or plant-based foods.
  • Fatigue: Adapting to fat as the primary fuel source may cause temporary energy dips, often referred to as “keto flu.”

Adapting the Diet for Personal Needs

To thrive on the carnivore diet, individuals must adjust their approach based on:

  • Health Status: Pre-existing conditions may require modifications or supplementation.
  • Goals: Whether for weight loss, improved mental health, or therapeutic benefits, the diet can be tailored to specific objectives.
  • Food Preferences: Incorporating a variety of animal-based foods ensures a more balanced and enjoyable experience.

The Science Behind the Carnivore Diet

While research on the carnivore diet remains limited, evidence from related low-carb diets supports its potential benefits. Elimination protocols, low-carb strategies, and anecdotal evidence provide a foundation for understanding how the carnivore diet may work.

  • Inflammation Reduction: Studies on elimination diets suggest they reduce inflammatory markers, offering relief for conditions like arthritis.
  • Blood Sugar Management: Research on ketogenic diets highlights similar benefits for diabetes management.
  • Gut Healing: Simplifying food intake can allow the digestive system to reset.


There is no fixed duration for staying on the carnivore diet. It is entirely dependent on individual needs, health conditions, and goals. Some may find short-term adherence sufficient for addressing specific issues, while others experience profound benefits that encourage long-term commitment. Whether you adopt the diet temporarily or as a permanent lifestyle, prioritising nutrient-dense animal foods, seeking professional guidance, and listening to your body are essential for optimal results.

If you want to learn more about the carnivore diet, check out the eBook, Carnivore Diet for Beginners: Transform Your Health with Meat-Based Nutrition.

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