In a world where dietary advice is as varied as it is confusing, Brian Sanders offers a fresh perspective with...
What can you eat on an animal-based diet? Chances are you’ve heard of a plant-based diet and you have a...
Did you know that most of the animals on earth are edible, but that most of the plants aren’t? Makes...
Do macros still count on an animal-based diet? Are you wondering whether you should count the macronutrients in your food...
Marilyn Monroe was on an animal-based diet. The legendary actress and arguably the sexiest woman who ever lived ate a...
Animal foods are the most nutrient-dense foods on earth. Don’t listen to someone who gives you a long list of...
Are you considering going on a vegan diet? This is not a decision you should take lightly. While you might...
I’ve come across countless diet tips throughout the years, and unfortunately, more than half of them are bad. I love...
Are you eating copious amounts of nuts for the sake of your health? Have you swapped your regular milk for...
I’m pregnant and I’m on a strict animal-based diet. Have you seen those pregnant women who try to stick to...
[buzzsprout episode=’10136747′ player=’true’] Joané 0:08 Hi, everyone, on today’s podcast, we’re talking about the real French paradox. Jonathan 0:44 Hmm....
Can you count your macros on a carnivore diet? If you’ve heard of macronutrient counting, you probably associate it with...