In a world where dietary advice is as varied as it is confusing, Brian Sanders offers a fresh perspective with...
Courtney Luna is a beautiful, creative, and inspiring woman who has changed her health through the carnivore diet. She dazzles...
Changing your diet has the power to change your life. Don’t believe me? You will after reading Rachael Elizabeth, aka...
Meet Kimberley Pearson. She’s an animal-based wellness coach who has changed her life through changing her diet and is now...
Do you love looking at gorgeous food photos on Instagram? If you do, I highly recommend checking out the Instagram...
I can easily get lost in Rafal, aka the Carnivore Traveller’s Instagram feed. He travels to some of the most...
There are hundreds of inspiring carnivores on the internet. Some have lost a lot of weight, many have dramatically improved...
Are plants trying to kill you? Should you ditch all plant foods entirely and stick to only animal foods? This...
[buzzsprout episode=’11081261′ player=’true’] We had the priviledge of interviewing Lillie Kane about her hypercarnivore diet for The Hart of Health...
[buzzsprout episode=’10591029′ player=’true’] We interviewed Caitlin Weeks (Grass Fed Girl) on our podcast recently. This was our first interview for...
I’m inspired beyond words. I recently did an interview with Hadi Doumit, aka The Carnivore Chef, about how he lost...
There’s a lot to be thankful for in life, and for Brett Lloyd, changing his diet and switching to a...